IES Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy, Security Pledge and Privacy Guarantee
Our Privacy Guarantee
Data that you provide to us, such as your shipping and billing names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses and other data needed to process, ship, and deliver your order will never be used by us, without your specific permission, for any other purpose. We have absolutely no control over any third party entities such as browsers you might use and how they might use your information. Reputable browsers usually include in their toolbar section instructions to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies and how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie with instructions on how to disable cookies.
We provide links to the websites of some companies or organizations that provide security certifications of our website. These third party’s privacy policies apply to any personal information you may provide to them when you click on them. These links are provided just to have an outside source verify that we are who we say we are. These security links are for reputable companies who have proven their reliability and their proven record for validating online web site retailers like IES (International Electrical Supplies). But, be aware, they do collect data from you when you click them
Our Privacy Policy Pledge and Promise
Not one person in our company, from the very top of our corporate entity Navigator Enterprises, Inc. to the employees at IES (International Electrical Supplies) who process your order will ever have access to any of your credit card information including the card number, the card name, its security code or even its expiration date.
Also, the shipping/billing information you provide to us is not used by us for any reason other than to place our ordered products into your hands as expeditiously as possible. We pledge/promise to never contact you after your order has successfully arrived unless you contact us first and need a response from us.
Account Requirements
We do not require that you create an account with us in order to place an order but we want you to assure you that, if you do create an account, all of our Security and Privacy Policies (see above) apply to any and all of your interactions with us regardless of your intentions. We just aren't interested in data gathering at all. Like our customers, we resent and resist such intrusions into our right to privacy.
Our Privacy Pledge
We solemnly pledge to you that, under NO circumstances will we gather, collect, acquire, compile, store, or assimilate any information about you. The only information about you that we will ever use will just be the minimum which you have provided to process your orders. Furthermore, we don't even make use of cookies for any reason. The email address and telephone number that you give are used only to process the order. The tracking number for your order is sent to the email address that you give us and never used again unless you contact us. The email address is not given or sold to any other parties or used by us ever again unless it relates to the original order. The telephone number is required by all of the shipping services. We also might need to contact you about your order but only about the order and we will not give or sell your number to anyone else. This promise of security for your privacy applies to all of your information as well. All of the information you give is secure, serves the one purpose of processing your order, and will never be seen by anyone except to process your order or be used by us for any other purpose than to process your order. In other words we respect you and your absolute right to privacy! We thank you for your patronage and hope that your internet shopping experiences are all pleasant.